KGW StatuteKGW Price-list

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We make Creditors' lives easy

Chapter X

§ 27

Giving his/her Client's number Client pays a fee onto individual bank account, which is then converted into the points on the basis of the current Price-list.

 § 28

  1. For using certain services available on the Stock, certain amount of points is deducted from the account (after the fees chart).
  2. In cases determined in the Statute or the contract with the Client fee for using the Stock's services may be deducted in Polish zloty as well.

§ 29

The current Price-list and chart of fees are published on the Stock's websites. The amount of fees is determined by the Administrator and may be changed. Client is informed of every change in 14 days advance via e-mail account.

§ 30

Fees for the services not used by Client are redeemable.