Customer’s service Debtor’s panelContractor’s verificationKGW system DEMO

Our offer seems to be interesting for you? Want to add debtors? Having a problem with system? Click and give us your telephone number. Our Specialist will call you back.


We make Creditors' lives easy

Attention! Do not ignore the fact of being added to KGW!

If you do not repay your debt with due date given on Notification, your data will be published in the system and everyone will see it.


... everyone may be a debtor sometimes, being a creditor at the same time

With the current situation on the market everyone may be Debtor and Creditor. Fluency of the company relies on up to date payments and shortest periods of lack of payment.

KGW is a way to solve problems

Using KGW system may help in solving current problems with payment and prevent from any similar troubles in the future.